Art and craft describes a wide variety of activities involving making things with one's own hands. It is a subject talk in schools that is about developing the artistic abilities in children. This is sometimes a slightly neglected subject in many cultures and educational systems. But there is increasing evidence that shows the importance of Art and Craft in the education of children. It is also important for adults of all age groups. Art and Craft practice helps develop the right side of the human brain which deals with creativity, emotional intelligence, intuition, imagination and all the softer social skills in our life. Practice of Art and Craft also increases the fun, enjoyment and quality of our lives.
The field of Art generally involves activities like Drawing, Painting, Acting, Dancing, Performing, Sculpture, Drama, Theatre, Cinema, Photography, Fashion Designing, etc. Though all of these are specialized fields in themselves they have certain common attributes related to creativity and imagination.
This field involves the activities like Paperwork, Woodwork, Origami, Metalwork, Jewellery making, etc. These too are all specialised fields in themselves. But they have common skills connected with the Psychomotor development of an individual
Benefits of Art and Craft
Be it making miniature statues from clay or colouring with crayons, folding papers expertly to make origami shapes or preparing a handmade birthday card, there are numerous art and craft activities that can spike your child’s interest and tap his artistic potential. By introducing your child to art and craft or encouraging him to take it up in school, you will sow the seeds for his physical, social and cognitive development. Here are the various benefits of these fun and exciting activities for a child.
Physical Benefits
Develops fine motor skills: As most art and craft activities involve moving the hands and fingers, they help in developing fine motor skills. Even simple actions like colouring with pencils or holding a paintbrush help to strengthen the muscles and improve their control.
Increases dexterity: Art and craft can increase the agility and dexterity of a child. With practice, and improvement of fine motor skills, his manual dexterity, speed and artistic skills will also increase.
Improves hand-eye coordination: Engaging in art and craft-related activities from a very young age leads to tremendous improvement in hand-eye coordination. This will help a child during the later primary-school years when she is forming letters or spacing out words.
Social/Emotional Benefits
Encourages Self-expression: Engaging in a creative pursuit like art and craft gives a child the opportunity to express his feelings in a meaningful, tangible and positive way. He also derives satisfaction from making something on his own.
Helps in Socializing:Being together with other children in an art class gives a child the opportunity to interact and socialize with those sharing similar interests. And when parents show an interest in doing the activity with their child, it strengthens the parent–child bond as well.
Boosts Self-esteem: Art and craft-related activities instil a sense of pride and achievement in a child, which helps in boosting his self-esteem.
Cognitive Benefits
Enhances innovation and creative ability: The opportunity to create whatever a child wants to encourages innovation. And the ability to think and solve problems she might face while making something enhances creativity.
Sharpens decision-making skills: Facing and solving artistic challenges will help a child learn to make effective and correct decisions. This helps to develop a problem-solving attitude, which will also help him in other endeavours of his life.
Improves visual-learning and memory: Through art and craft, a child not only learns about new shapes and colours, but also becomes aware of different patterns and figures. Activities such as jewelry making or sculpting even requires visualising and memorising complex designs in the mind.
The various benefits of art and craft also extend to the development of cultural awareness and improved academic performance as well. When so many benefits are packaged in art and craft, and that too with fun and excitement, why not allow your child to engage in it?